A Christian-led traveling youth program focused on character building through new experiences, perseverance, and outdoor adventures.

AAC's Annual  Adventures to Plan For

24 hr Beach Day:  August 17th

Survive the Night: October 25th -26th

Christmas Town: December 6th - 8th

Enchant Christmas Village: December 21st

Our trips are designed to appeal to students ages 10-15 who have a spirit of adventure. We encourage all students to try new experiences but are understanding of those who want to go at a slower pace. Our returning students are kind and welcoming and are excited to welcome new students to our program. We encourage students to disconnect from cell phones and electronics favoring real connections with present people. Cell phones / Texting devices will be stored securely.

For More Information or Registration Text or Call (805) 270-5413

Based out of Tucson Arizona, and designed for ages 10 to 15, we offer one-of-a-kind experiences that will help students grow mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

These are the good ol' days your kids will remember forever.


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